If you are shipping something into Dubai, or bringing personal items with you, it is important to know what the rules are for importing goods. Customs Duty and Taxes can be very high if you have not declared your items correctly. In this article, we will explain how customs clearance works in Dubai and what steps you need to take before arriving at the airport to clear your goods through customs.
What is Customs Clearance?
Customs clearance is the process of clearing goods through customs. Goods must be cleared before they can be transported to their final destination, which usually means leaving the port where they were imported.
Customs clearance is a requirement for all goods being imported into the UAE, including air freight, regardless of value or type. If you plan on importing your own personal belongings or vehicles by air into Dubai, you may need to get them cleared by customs officers at an inspection point or airport terminal before exiting Dubai International Airport.
How to Clear Customs in Dubai
To clear customs in Dubai, you must first go to the customs office at the port of entry. Once there, you will need to have your passport and visa ready for inspection by officials.
Once you have declared your goods (if any), pay any applicable customs duty and taxes before collecting a receipt from a designated officer at the counter. This will serve as proof of payment when leaving Dubai or other emirates within UAE that require this documentation.
You then proceed through exit gates with all luggage in hand; no vehicles are allowed beyond this point unless they are being driven by you or another person who has already been cleared through customs with them (e.g. if someone dropped off their car while they went into another part of the airport).
Where and when to declare your goods at the port of entry?
You must declare your goods at the port of entry. This means that when you arrive in Dubai, you should inform the customs officer that you have something to declare and follow their instructions on how to proceed. If you fail to do so, it may result in fines or prosecution for smuggling goods into Dubai without declaring them properly.
● What happens if I don’t declare my goods at all?
If you don’t declare any items upon arrival in Dubai and are caught later on with undeclared items, they will be confiscated by customs officers who will also fine you accordingly depending on what was seized (for example: if it was a small amount of alcohol or tobacco products).
How to pay customs duty in Dubai?
In Dubai, you can pay customs duty at the airport, port or at any of the following locations:
● Emirates Post Office (EPS). This is one of the most popular ways to pay your customs duty in Dubai. You can also use this method if you don’t have enough time to visit the Customs office during its working hours.
Customs office: If you want to pay your customs duties for air, sea, or land freight immediately after arriving into Dubai, then this is what you need to do!”
How to get a VAT refund in Dubai?
If you are a non-resident and want to claim a VAT refund in Dubai, the process is exactly the same as for residents. You will need your valid passport and customs clearance form with the stamp from customs on it. If you have purchased goods that include VAT (ie everything), then take these items along with their receipts as well. The total amount of goods must be over AED250 so that they can be checked by Customs before issuing an official certificate stating how much tax has been paid on them.

The only difference between residents and non-residents when it comes to claiming refunds is that while resident customers can have their purchases delivered directly home or office using one of many delivery services available in Dubai (such as Aramex), non-residents must collect their purchases personally at either Dubai International Airport or Port Rashid Container Terminal (if shipped).
What are the different types of taxes or duties you may need to pay?
As a general rule, you can expect to pay the following:
● VAT – Depending on the type of goods you’re importing, this may be up to 20%.
● Customs duty – This is charged on the value of your goods and varies depending on what they are and where they came from. Customs duties vary between different countries (and even different states within countries) so it’s important that you know what your specific duty rate is before making an importation into Dubai.
● Customs brokerage fee – This is charged by customs brokers for their services in clearing your shipment through customs. It’s usually calculated as a percentage of the value of your shipment or flat rate based on weight or volume of cargo being cleared through customs clearance procedures at Dubai International Airport (DXB).
Customers also have other fees associated with importing goods into UAE which include:
● Customs surcharge – A small amount added onto each invoice which goes towards helping cover any losses incurred by government agencies due to non-payment or underpayment during clearance processes; this fee does not apply if payment has already been made via bank transfer prior * Warehouse storage fee – If there are no available slots available at warehouses within Dubai International Airport then customers must pay another warehouse storage fee before being able to move their goods into storage facilities outside airport premises
Can I import certain items into Dubai without paying customs duties and taxes?
Yes, you can import certain goods into Dubai without paying customs duties and taxes. If you are bringing in goods for personal use, then no customs duties or tax will be imposed on your imports.
However if the items are being imported by a commercial entity then it is likely that some duties may apply depending on the nature of the goods being imported (and where they come from). In this case, we recommend that you contact our team so that we can help guide you through this process and ensure everything runs smoothly at port of entry.
The best way to avoid paying Customs Duty and Taxes is to declare everything you bring into the UAE as soon as possible.
● Importing goods without declaring them is illegal.
● If you are caught, you will be fined and liable to pay a penalty. Your goods may be seized and you may also be imprisoned.
The best way to avoid paying Customs Duty and Taxes is to declare everything you bring into the UAE as soon as possible.